A Window into the Cost of Surrogacy

The estimated cost of using a gestational surrogate will be determined based on the IVF protocol being recommended by your fertility specialist.
Discover a Leading Surrogacy Agency

Only a leading agency specializing in locating perfect matches between intended parents and surrogate fully-vetted surrogate mothers offers a personalized yet expedited approach to expediting the entire surrogacy process.
How to Find the Best Gestational Surrogacy Agency in New Jersey

If your fertility doctor has recommended that gestational surrogacy is the most hopeful avenue for you to have a baby, then please take comfort in knowing that New Jersey Gov.
I Want to Find a Leading Surrogate Agency Near Me

A leading surrogate agency is one having the experience of providing quality and cost-efficient services clients nationally and worldwide.
How to Secure Your Parental Rights with an Enforceable Surrogacy Contract

If your fertility doctor has referred you to gestational surrogacy, you must be prepared to secure your future legal parental rights.
How to Increase Your Fertility With Vitamins – Minerals – Nutrients

If you are trying to get pregnant – you should definitely think about what you’re eating. Why is diet important? Today, it is estimated that one in eight couples has difficulty conceiving and/or carrying a baby to full t
Where to Find Affordable Surrogacy

Finding affordable surrogacy is no longer a daunting experience when you work through the best agency. Our recently updated cost overview ranges between $90,000 and $175,000.
How You Can Build a Gestational Surrogacy Support System

You don’t have to undertake gestational surrogacy alone. Reach out for support from a leading agency. LOOK: We recommend that both parties – Intended Parents and fully-vetted surrogate mothers – build and lean on a solid personal support s
Is Surrogacy Legal in all 50 States?

No. Surrogacy contracts are not recognized as enforceable under the law in every state.
The Pros and Cons of Being a Surrogate Mother

As a fully vetted surrogate mother, you will have the opportunity to conceive, carry and deliver a baby to a childless couple. You must be well-informed about the pros and cons of being a surrogate mother.